Forever Enthralled (2008) | Director: CHENG Kai-ge | Starring: Leon LAI, ZHANG Zi-yi
SYNOPSIS | Mei Lanfang (played by Leon Lai), beautiful and feminine onstage while handsome and manly offstage, became a household name in his youth when he defeated famous Peking Opera master Shisan in a popularity challenge. Later, his affair with vibrant and direct Peking Opera diva Meng Xiaodong (played by Ziyi Zhang) saddened his wife Fu Zhifang (played by Chen Hong) and mentor-cum-companion Qiu Rubai (played by Sun Honglei). They tried desperately to stop it because they knew that with Meng, Mei no longer felt lonely. But without that loneliness, Mei’s career would be destroyed. In the end, Mei gained universal fame as he performed all over the world, lifting the traditionally lowly status of actors in China. But in the process, he has paid perhaps too great a price.
梅蘭芳 (2008) | 導演:陳凱歌 | 領銜主演:黎明、章子怡
故事大綱 | 京劇名伶梅蘭芳原來是愛國英雄,大戰時期,他拒絕為日軍表現,令人敬重。這是一部關於藝術家梅蘭芳的真實電影。台上嬌艷、台下俊朗的梅蘭芳 (黎明 飾) ,於年青時便擊敗赫赫有名的前輩十三燕,紅極一時。他與活潑爽朗的女伶孟小冬 (章子怡 飾) 的一段情,讓梅的太太福芝芳 (陳紅 飾) 和與梅亦師友的邱如白 (孫紅雷 飾) 十分痛心,並百般阻撓,因為他們知道孟讓梅的內心不再寂寞,但驅走了梅的寂寞,便等於毀了梅的舞台事業。後來,梅終於在世界各地的舞台上闖出名來,讓伶人的地位得以提昇,但他其中又是付出了多少的代價!
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